Wednesday, August 20, 2008

ok, thing seems to be running

heres the thing, the tractor finally seems to be working.. sort of.

It run, but is still a pain in the butt, but it runs, it cuts, and it mows. which is what its suppose to do.

I got the new cable for the deck lift, and new pulleys.. the pulleys didn't work, they didn't fit right and I couldn't get the actual pulleys anymore because they were a discontinued item.

tried replacement pulleys, but that didn't work, they were slightly bigger, and the cable didn't fit after.
so off when the new pulleys, and on went the old.

now the deck lifts both sides, but only in the lowest setting, because any higher and it will bind up the cable and fling it off.

but thats ok.

Motor still runs poorly, but runs.
need work on the carb. the choke is all messed up, you can play with it about an inch without it moving the cable. yes that messed up.

if I don't get my grandfathers tractor in the next couple of months, I will tear it apart and get a new choke thingie for it. then maybe it will work constantly.

right now if I hit a hill or turn or do anything odd, I have to have my hand on the choke ready. cuz it will start to stall, pull the choke till it starts to die again (meaning I am past whatever it didn't like and decided to stall on) and then let the choke out again and continue on till the next thing it doesn't like, or angle, or turn. or whatever. its stubborn.

The motor only works on very slow. meaning I can't crank the revs up any to keep it running strong for any length of time. It overheats. so I have the run setting just above, stall. so it just clanks along at low revs. good thing its 18 hp so that it can handle the long grass it usually has to contend with.. I am talking almost hay here people.

Which brings me to the last thing. It works. starts, runs, drives, mows. cuts grass. thats what I wanted. and now, fall is here, and the jeep clubs fall crawl is ending right here at my house, for a party and camping for out of towners or drunkards. the lawn, will be reasonable in height, thanks to this mower.

Good little cursed mower.

Like almost everything in my life, it was easy to get, hard to get going, and a pain in the ass to keep. haha.