Wednesday, June 20, 2007

well a week later and its rusting again

Well it didn't quite make it a week, there must be a little corner of the steel showing through or something, cuz one of the edges of the fill is rusting. dammit.

Oh well more sanding and more painting.. sigh.

Got the Rocker guards, have to paint them now. then prepare to drill holes, prime and paint them on the jeep and then install the gasket, and then install the rockers. Fun never stops. If I can find the time.. haha. Ricki is working a couple days this week so I should be able to manage to get something done. :P

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1 comment:

Anonymous said... can work anytime you like...Don't let me stop you...I can always use a nap! hahaha....Or wait for it...wait for it....Maybe I could help! HaHaHa