Wednesday, May 16, 2007

test 2 and 3 done.

Ok the Barium follow through went well. much better than the other, comfort wise. The barium drink was gross, but not terrible, just terrible in the two big glasses they wanted me to drink of it. then it was a lot of waiting and xrays every ten minutes.

then the doc saw me and had more xrays, but this time with a mechanical thing that pushed into my gut to take them. Said it was to move my intestines around to get more pics. it was weird, but no problem.

as for test 3 that was our friend Heather, shes into old Japanese or chinese medicines, so its sorta a alternative medicine thing.. we will see how it goes, she found out my body is spinning the wrong way (aka my polarity is off) so I was giving drops with essence of misletoe in it, but just the essence, not any actual poison. :) interesting stuff, she also showed me my personal energy space.. which was neat too.

that test showed alot, and the drops will take 2 weeks to hopefully switch my polarities and get me working right. then we can see what else my body can fix of itself.

Jeep Run over the weekend was awsome, very very fun, nice and easy, relaxing run. We washed and cleaned the jeep Monday and got the street tires back on. It was just a blast with very little chance of damage. and I didn't have any.

Well thats it for today.

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