Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Good Morning everyone!!! haha

Ok its really just late at night but its technically morning.

So far this week has been way to easy.. Oh ya, I should start... whats that.. Oh ya.. Cleaning.. haha.. mom and dad will be home around thursday or friday leaving me little time to put the spit shine on things. Oh well me and ricki got most of it done before my brother and friends arrived this weekend.  Now we just have to tidy a bit.

Well I found out my brother (HI STEVE!) is reading my blog now.. so if he ever asks "Whats new with you?" again I think I am legally allowed to slap him.. haha. He is also facebooking so he even gets the occasional new picture of my friends and i.

Oh and Facebook.. what a wonderful world that is.

So far I have found Jodi, Erica and Amanda from the old crew in Riverview. But I also have found some friends I have been trying to find. My old buddies from Digby. Dylan, Jon, and Trevor.. Unfortuneately Trevor is still missing but I messaged the other guys and we will see if they know where he is.. Jon is friggin in  England!!! Holy Crap Jon!  And Dylan thankfully is in Halifax so I could actually easily go visit him.

I wonder how famous Facebook will become.. I wonder if you can buy stock in them.. haha. I also wonder how many friends have been reconnected from lost friends..  I'm up to 6 already.


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